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- 128 Powerbullet
- 32772 Bring up font dialog\nOpen font settings dialog box; sets properties of selected text
- 32773 Create box for current selection\nBox selection
- 32774 Insert image into selection\nInsert image
- 32775 Insert a content box\nContent box
- 32776 Insert a text block (Ctrl+T)\nInsert text block (Ctrl+T)
- 32777 Insert an image at current location\nInsert image into the page (can also drag and drop GIF, PNG and JPG)
- 32778 Format current text selection\nFormat text
- 32784 Insert borderless marquee\nInsert marquee
- 32785 Insert polygon at current position\nInsert Polygon
- 32786 Save a copy of this document\nSave copy
- 32787 Insert an object\nInsert object
- 32788 Insert Flash object\nInsert Flash
- 32789 Delete current item\nDelete item
- 32790 Increase selected font size (Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow)\nIncrease font size for current selection (Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow)
- 32791 Decrease selected font size (Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow)\nDecrease font size for current selection (Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow)
- 32795 Move selected item forward\nMove selected object forward
- 32796 Move the selected item backward\nMove selected object backward
- 32797 Move the selected item to the top\nMove selected object to top
- 32798 Move the selected item to the bottom\nMove selected object to bottom
- 32799 Lock movement on selection\nLock movement; keeps selected object locked in place
- 32800 Unlock selection\nUnlock
- 32808 Make selection bold (Ctrl+B)\nBold type for current selection (Ctrl+B)
- 32809 Make selection italic (Ctrl+I)\nItalics for current selection (Ctrl+I)
- 32810 Make selection underlined (Ctrl+U)\nUnderline current selection (Ctrl+U)
- 32811 Indent selection\nIndent selected block
- 32812 Outdent selection\nOutdent selected block
- 32813 Make selection numbered list\nMake selected paragraphs into a numbered list (numbers are not exported to SWF)
- 32814 Make paragraph items into animated bullets\nMake paragraph items into animated bullets
- 32815 Left justify area\nLeft justify
- 32816 Right justify area\nRight justify
- 32817 Center text in area\nCenter
- 32826 Insert oval\nInsert simple oval with line color, line width and fill
- 32827 Insert rectangle\nInsert simple rectangle with line color, line width and fill
- 32828 Insert horizontal line\nInsert simple horizontal line with color and width
- 32829 Insert vertical line\nInsert simple vertical line with color and width
- 32830 Insert downward diagonal line\nInsert simple diagonal line left-top to right-bottom with color and width
- 32831 Insert upward diagonal line\nInsert simple diagonal line bottom-left to top-right with color and width
- 32832 Indent selected text\nIndent
- 32833 Outdent selected text\nOutdent
- 32834 Make selection into bullet list\nBullet list
- 32835 Make selection numbered list\nNumbered list
- 32836 Left align\nLeft align current text block
- 32837 Right align\nRight align current text block
- 32838 Center align\nCenter align current text block
- 32841 Set current pen/outline color\nPen color
- 32842 Set current text or line color\nSet text or line color; if no selection, sets default
- 32843 Set current pen width\nSet line width; if no selection, sets default
- 32844 Set current fill color\nSet fill color; if no selection sets default fill
- 32849 Float selection for positioning\nFloat selection; selected object becomes independently moveable
- 32850 Make selection non-floating\nMake inline; selected object behaves in default HTML layout mode
- 32863 Constrain selection's movement along X or Y axis\nConstrain selected object's movement to X/Y axis, depending on which is moved first
- 32864 View styles bar\nStyle bar
- 32865 Show/hide selection toolbar\nShow/hide selection toolbar
- 32866 View options bar\nOptions bar
- 32873 Remove X/Y constraint from selection\nNo constraint
- 32875 Toggle edit or browse mode\nIn for edit mode, out for preview mode
- 32877 View properties of current selection\nView HTML layout properties of current selection
- 32879 Publish as HTML with embedded Flash (Ctrl+E)\nPublish as HTML with embedded Flash (Ctrl+E)
- 32881 Set project background color\nSet project background color
- 32882 Cancel current operation\nCancel current operation
- 32883 Adds a new page after this one\nAdds a new page after this one
- 32884 Deletes this page\nDeletes this page
- 32885 Shift this page ahead 1 position\nShift this page ahead 1 position
- 32886 Shift this page back 1 position\nShift this page back 1 position
- 32887 Go to next page (Alt+RightArrow)\nGo to next page (Alt+RightArrow)
- 32888 Go to previous page (Alt+LeftArrow)\nGo to previous page (Alt+LeftArrow)
- 32895 Show/hide page toolbar\nShow/hide page toolbar
- 32896 Preview current page in browser\nPreview current page in browser
- 32897 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32898 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32899 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32900 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32901 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32902 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32903 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32904 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32905 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32906 User-defined format\nUser-defined format
- 32907 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32908 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32909 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32910 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32911 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32912 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32913 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32914 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32915 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32916 Make current selection into user-defined format\nMake current selection into user-defined format
- 32918 Set page entry and exit transition effect\nSet page entry and exit transition effect
- 32919 Set page exit transition effect\nSet page exit transition effect
- 32921 Select page entry and exit transition effect\nSelect page entry and exit transition effect
- 32926 Set gradient details\nSet gradient details
- 32928 Duplicate selected element\nDuplicate selected element
- 32929 Help contents\nHelp contents
- 32930 Remove formatting of current text selection\nRemove formatting of current text selection
- 32931 Bring up line selector box\nBring up line selector
- 32932 Help contents\nHelp contents
- 32934 Select all\nSelect all
- 32935 Set the animation and effects for the selected item\nSet the animation and effects for the selected item
- 32936 Insert a table\nInsert table
- 32937 Insert cell at current table position in selected table\nInsert cell at current table position in selected table
- 32938 Split current cell in selected table\nSplit current cell in selected table
- 32939 Insert a row into the selected table\nInsert a row into the selected table
- 32940 Insert a column into the selected table\nInsert a column into the selected table
- 32941 Merge selected cells\nMerge cells
- 32942 Get image from scanner, camera etc
- 32943 Select source (scanner, camera etc)
- 32944 Toggle font selector\nToggle font selector
- 32946 View and edit item HTML (advanced)\nView and edit item HTML (advanced)
- 32947 Set page intro sound (MP3)\nSet page intro sound (MP3)
- 32948 Set selected item hyperlink\nSet selected item hyperlink
- 32953 Parameters for creating Flash and HTML output\nParameters for creating Flash and HTML output
- 32954 Set the project's initial size\nSet the project's initial size
- 32961 Purchase this software online\nPurchase this software online
- 32963 View the Flash tutorial\nGetting started
- 32967 Insert a bullet text list\nInsert bullet text list
- 32969 Show/hide text toolbar\n
- 32970 Show/hide insert toolbar\nShow/hide insert toolbar
- 32972 Visit the Powerbullet help forum\nVisit the Powerbullet help forum
- 32973 Override default page delay setting for this page\nPage delay setting
- 32974 View the HTML source for this page\nView the HTML source for this page
- 32975 Lowest quality - best compression\nLowest quality - best compression
- 32976 Medium quality - reasonable compression\nMedium quality - reasonable compression
- 32977 Best quality - largest file size\nBest quality - largest file size
- 32978 FM\nFM
- 32979 Voice\nVoice
- 32980 Radio\nRadio
- 32981 Tape\nTape
- 32982 Hi-fi\nHi-fi
- 32983 CD\nCD
- 32984 Studio\nStudio
- 33007 Record directly from your microphone\nRecord directly from your microphone
- 33008 Record directly from your microphone\nRecord directly from your microphone
- 33025 Toggle table buttons\nToggle table buttons
- 33026 Show/hide help toolbar\nShow/hide help toolbar
- 33027 Check for updates and announcements\nCheck for updates and announcements
- 33028 Open the folder containing current project's files\nOpen the folder containing current project's files
- 33033 Open slide sorter window\nOpen slide sorter window
- 33037 Auto-navigate to URL at end of page (auto-advance mode only)\nAuto-navigate to URL at end of page (auto-advance mode only)
- 33039 Paste an image you've copied elsewhere\nPaste an image you've copied elsewhere
- 33046 Import a stylesheet created in another program\nImport a stylesheet created in another program
- 33047 Frequently asked questions in English\nFrequently asked questions in English
- 33048 Frequently asked questions in French\nFrequently asked questions in French
- 33049 Frequently asked questions in German\nFrequently asked questions in German
- 33050 Frequently asked questions in English
- 33051 Frequently asked questions in French
- 33052 Frequently asked questions in German
- 33063 Show/hide project toolbar\nShow/hide project toolbar
- 33064 Show/hide font selector toolbar\nShow/hide font selector toolbar
- 33066 Show/hide status bar at base of window\nShow/hide status bar at base of window
- 33073 Report a bug or request a feature\nReport a bug or request a feature
- 57345 Ready
- 57600 Create a new document (Ctrl+N)\nClear current project (saving if desired) and start new project (Ctrl+N)
- 57601 Open an existing project (Ctrl+O)\nOpen project (Ctrl+O)
- 57602 Close the active document\nClose
- 57603 Save current project (Ctrl+S)\nSave current project (Ctrl+S)
- 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
- 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
- 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
- 57607 Print the active document\nPrint
- 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
- 57632 Erase the selection\nErase
- 57633 Erase everything\nErase All
- 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard (Ctrl+C)\nCopy selection to clipboard (Ctrl+C)
- 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard (Ctrl+X)\nCut selection and copy to clipboard (Ctrl+X)
- 57636 Find the specified text\nFind
- 57637 Insert Clipboard contents (Ctrl+V)\nPaste last cut or copy (Ctrl+V)
- 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
- 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
- 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
- 57643 Undo the last action (Ctrl+Z)\nUndo last editing action (Ctrl+Z)
- 57644 Redo the last undo command (Ctrl+Y)\nRedo last undo (Ctrl+Y)
- 57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
- 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
- 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
- 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
- 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
- 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
- 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
- 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
- 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
- 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
- 59392 Show/hide the file and edit toolbar\nShow/hide the file and edit toolbar
- 59393 Show/hide help toolbar\nShow/hide help toolbar
- 61184 Change the window size
- 61185 Change the window position
- 61186 Reduce the window to an icon
- 61187 Enlarge the window to full size
- 61188 Switch to the next document window
- 61189 Switch to the previous document window
- 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
- 61202 Restore the window to normal size
- 61203 Activate Task List
- 61215 Activate this window
- 61402 Open this document
- 61403 Font name\nFont